Saturday, June 11, 2016

Emotional Sunday

I was so emotional at church earlier. I was crying so much that I feel like I was going to just curl up and die. I cried through a whole big pack of tissues. I could barely open my eyes and sit straight when I was done. My prayer was mostly wordless; I just couldn't put my feelings into words. All I knew is my heart was breaking and I need help.

But it was the most amazing feeling in the world. I opened up my heart and soul to the one person I trust the most, and he just held me as I cried.

I kept on crying the entire period because I knew in my heart that the words I heard was his voice, speaking to me. Telling me that I will be okay. Telling me that he will take care of things. Telling me to hang in there.

I'm hanging on, but God, please help me hang on. I'm constantly slipping and I need your strength to keep me here.